Bourgeois Articles are Starting To Make Me Sick

Just Nat on A Rant
5 min readOct 31, 2019

It’s not someone’s mindset that’s holding them back, it their lack of financial mobility.

The biggest motivation I get to write is not when I agree with someone but when I outwardly don’t. When I read their work and think, “fucking chump doesn’t live in the real world” and I simply have to tell them the cold hard facts that fear of failure doesn’t drive people. Fear of starvation does.

There’s one major caveat to the whole “change your mindset and be: happier wealthier, more productive, successful” trove that happens again and again. It’s a little thing called money. We as house dwelling capitalist’s have to willingly SUBMIT to someone else to get something that is trade-able in any context , currency, to buy things we need to live a decent and happy and healthy life. If we have any sort of factor that disallows us into this market then we are basically fucked.

Being Female- There's a glass ceiling, you may have heard about it and not seen it because you know, glass, transparent. Also it’s a metaphorical statement to how most women apart from the few exceptions can’t seem to climb as high in a corporate world than men. There’s only 25 women CEO’s in the fortune 500’s. Where women make 58% of the workforce in America if the number reflected the whole workforce then 290 of those CEO’s should be women but they’re not.

Being Not-white- The Racial Black Ceiling is even thicker, that one is QUADRUPEDAL glazed. After having a black president for a major part of US history, the country seems to be going back in it’s liberal views. Not that it had that many to begin with.

Being a none- white woman. Double whammy of discrimination seen as many non-white women are usually stereotyped into very subservient mothering roles.

In my company alone, I don’t think there are any Black or ethnic identities who hold management positions.

How can you possibly go to work with a massive smile on your face every day and try and find a smidgen of happiness when you know deep down that those types of road blocks will curtail any efforts you do for your company. Even if you had a side goal of saving enough money to buy a house and get on the property ladder, Trulia’s research has you pipped to the post by yet another White American. White Americans own 30% more property than African Americans. Home Ownership increases credit rating also so therefore White Americans can buy more property as their risk FICO score’s aren’t as high.

That’s if an African American can even get a mortgage in the first place, a study by Reveal found African Americans were 2.7 times as likely as whites to be denied a conventional mortgage. So maybe the article I read was talking blatantly only to white men when the author suggested that “But for most mortals, the energy you bring today determines the opportunities you are rewarded with tomorrow”, what opportunities are those then? Please enlighten me with your profound enlightenment of optimism trumps all and certainly can beat any systematic and institutionalized patterns of gender and racial bias.

The thing that is wrong with the work week has NOTHING to do with individuality and how they accept or not accept their lot. If you see that multiple people are disillusioned, dissatisfied and disallowed certain freedoms in life compared to others, you have to question whether the system is at fault or the person who has to partake in it otherwise they will starve.

It has never been the mindset of the person who is unhappy to why they are unhappy, that’s like blaming a depressed person for their own depression. It’s usually the situation that causes the upset, but if you can never change the situation just the variables which lead to the same outcome (change job, move house, break relationship, engage in new relationship), then the feelings are still always going to be the same.

Also look at this lovely graph I pinched from this website that explicitly shows that 18–25 year olds are suffering more mental health and depression episodes than those 25 years and above, white people are suffering more than black people and mixed race individuals even more. So when you were sat in Barcelona eating your chocolate croissant, you’re probably staring at the faces of people who are experiencing major depressive episodes and are high functioning, but they should stop taking their medication or treatment plan and listen you about trying to have a giggle before 9am.

Like please, I get it, your article was supposed to be light-hearted and a way for you to lightly suggest how someone can be in a better mood but that’s just the issue isn’t it with life coaches who believe that their advise is the soundest their is. It has no context to it.

In fact, stop telling ALL PEOPLE to think positivly

Your words are bumpf. Filler. Designed to give us something to smile about but when you use words like, “you’ve already lost” in your sub-title it makes me wanna read just to laugh at the unsolicited ignorant drivel you are trying to push now. Even though you disagree with list-acle advise and numbered activities to do before a certain time, is yours not just as bad? Guilt tripping an already visually stressed person into not being able to relax while you people watch on a park bench in Barcelona.

When you ask anyone to stop thinking a certain way, when you don’t know their context, or their life or any sort of anecdotal evidence to support what you spout, you add the onus of someones shortcomings squarely back on their shoulders.

It’s not happening for Gladdis the 58 black bank teller because her boss is younger, white and male and he has racial connotations attached to her, it has nothing to do with her demeanor or how her mood comes across because after that person who walked past you in barcelona got inside their office they were probably lovely and jovial and you were just witnessing their resting bitch face while walking.

So please shut the fuck up. And stop telling people to be positive when you know absolutely nothing about them.



Just Nat on A Rant

I like to rant about life :) I'm slightly aggressive and calmness is not a personality trait I possess, but stay a while and read my shit. I get paid for it :)