Dear Judgemental Instagram Personal Trainer

Just Nat on A Rant
5 min readAug 15, 2019

Here’s why I’m sick of your shit


I’ve embarked on the ketogenic diet, I am loving it so far, I’ve lost a couple of pounds and my clothes feel looser, I am doing this before I go away to the canary islands in 4 weeks and will continue on holiday and also when I am back. I am enjoying having 3 meals a day and my food satiating me. My mum introduced me after being on it for a year and loosing a WHOPPING 5 stone, I am so proud of her, she had just come out of a horrible ordeal with a womb cancer scare that turned out to be stage 4 endometriosis and was rushed in for an emergency hysterectomy. She is bossing life, shes so much more clearer headed and has so much more energy now. She spends no time in the gym. She does however spend 5 hours a day on her feet as a Part Time Chef, she did this before she started dieting.

I posted a picture on Instagram of my food, macros, and my meal on Instagram, as you do. Who DOESN’T take pictures of their lunch.

Later on the next evening I see a well known Personal Trainer in my town bash Keto, 6 week transformations and slimming world and it pissed me off, so I commented and at the end I put “maybe you should think of other’s reasons before you mock their choices #benicer” it was a little win for me. This PT also used to mock me when I was vegan. I am not vegan anymore, but not because of him.

On this post was a slew of other toned bodies, lolling, hahaing and crying emoji faces were littered everywhere. It was sort of like the school jock clique had transferred over to Instagram in the form of fitness models and PT’s. I am seriously considering deleting him from my Instagram because of the things he does, but sometimes he can be really gracious and supportive of his clients, but only his clients. People who are trying to go it alone he sort of chastises, mocks and bullies in a way that screams “don’t be like that, be like this, I will help you”…. followed with “it’ll only cost you ££££”.

I am stuck at the minute trying to increase my activity level, my NEAT, None Exercise, Activity Thermogenisis, basically what you do in a day, except sleeping, eating and exercising. But this is VERY hard when you are on a calorie restrictive diet and you sit for 8 hours a day. I can’t very well reduce my hours, I’d be trimmer that’s for sure but then I wouldn’t be able to afford to live. What specifically annoys me about the jock types on Instagram is… they judge you on everything else you do apart from working out, and they even judge you on working out, they pick your form to bits.

What they don’t realize, us mere mortals don’t have an extra 8 hours to spend in the gym, because we are at work. And people who sit at work are obviously the ones most in need, because of back issues, week hips and legs and glutes that are uneven. I personally cannot fucking stand the gym, because it’s littered with the type of people who get paid to be there and then those who judge others for not being there or more important judge those for not making the gym a priority when we have other stuff going on in our lives.

Average Woman vs Ideal woman

It’s all well and good subscribing us to 1 hour a night to weight training or 30 mins of HiiT but how does that become a habit when life for average people is so spontaneous. When I go away on holiday my NEAT goes through the roof, because I’m walking, swimming, playing, my metabolism goes up as well because I generally eat more, which is why when I come home I generally loose weight, because my caloric intake goes down and my metabolism is still high it drops off me. I also look tan which if you’ve seen any bodybuilder is a SURE FIRE way to make you look trimmer than a Christmas dinner.

Back into my work routine, I can’t do all the walking, swimming and playing at home because I have a house to run and a desk job. Give me a finance job that requires me to be out and about and then judge me for my podgy body and calorie restrictive dinners. Otherwise you shouldn’t really judge me for my OCCUPATIONAL NEAT holding back my progress.

We can’t all be in the gym, moving every single minute of a working day, some of it is simply done at a computer with our brains. If our brains burnt calories and built strength and used fat the way our muscles did, I’d be more muscular and toned than and IFBBPro winner. Because I’m applying it to use every minute of my work day, some not in a focus or controlled way, like yoga, but sometimes in a quick fire way like tumbling and trampoline parks but the fat would still be used none the less.

So spare me with your shit mister PT man, spare me with your judgemental attitude to people who are trying to loose weight in the most time effective way for them. Save your gufawws and you crying emoji’s and your mob of Instagram Jocks who obviously know the better way because it’s your career, for the rest of us who sit on our arse 8 hours a day instead of mocking, teach us how to be more active people when we HAVE to be sat down. Teach us how to increase our metabolism’s without committing to restrictive diet programs and regimental workouts. Teach us how to play the weight away.



Just Nat on A Rant

I like to rant about life :) I'm slightly aggressive and calmness is not a personality trait I possess, but stay a while and read my shit. I get paid for it :)