Intimidation and Internal Misogyny

Just Nat on A Rant
6 min readJun 3, 2019

How women tear other women down for fucking with the sexist status quo

If you read my earlier story regarding My Boyfriends Mother you will have read that she has an issue with me accepting “help” off of my boyfriend. She had an issue when I was ill with a broken leg and she still has an issue now that we live together, however, after taking the plunge to move to his neck of the woods and not mine I am surprised that the women of the town are generally on more her wavelength than mine, even women who are closer to my age and not hers.

I have no way to put it than “help” because it’s the way it’s always phrased isn’t it?
Oooh he must be good if he helps around the house? Does he HELP around the house? I wish my bloke would “help” around the house!

Do you actually mean, do his fair share of housework!?

And women in his neck of the woods call this “help”. And any mention that he should own half of the housework, regardless of how much money comes in from his side and regardless of how hard he and I work, is met with scoff, like who am I to demand such behaviour, but then I’m the one who’s judged if the house is messy.

With his shit, not mine.
Oooh how can ya live like that, I wouldn’t dare let my house get in that state.

Does he help around the house?


Why the fuck is this woman smiling doing the dishes?

It’s mostly his, I tidy up after myself. But for some reason when I ask the male who has contributed to the original mess to clean said mess, in his neck of the woods, women think he’s a fucking saint for doing it. Like he’s paying my wages, or given me diamonds on the weekends, every weekend. Surely, if he didn’t MAKE the mess, then he wouldn’t be “nagged” to pick it up. And even so when women are neat and tidy, it’s a given, that is the way it should be, but when a man is neat and tidy, hes a fucking godsend. Women from Barnsley are stark raving lunatics, to think that a man that picks up his own mess is a saint.

What is even more troublesome and I should have noticed the foreshadow earlier on in the relationship, was when I used to stop over with him at his parents house, his mum would EXPECT ME to clean HIS bedroom. Any shirt of his or trousers of his he would instantly ask me to iron. At first I thought this was cute, me doing wife things; but now, a 25 year old man who doesn’t know how to adequately iron a shirt just fucking annoys me.

And then this is where the women of Barnsley, back him up like hes the saint, and I’m abnormal because I think adults should be capable of looking after themselves, FEMALE OR MALE/ VAGINA OR PENIS. Intimidation and Internal misogyny go hand in hand.

Not only do the women who suffer from internal misogyny intimidate others, to protect their own belief systems, but I suspect they are intimidated by the pressure it puts on them to be the picture perfect “stepford wife”. Not that they are, Barnsley women are rough as sand paper, abrasive, violent and judgemental.

I have never met a woman from Barnsley who I have liked. Because they have turned out to be internal misogynistic twats who judge women more than the men do, of matters pertaining to home life, living standards and domination of housework. Any feminist, equal values are scoffed at like they are the ranting of maniacal twaddle.

And this is why I judge them back. But I don’t judge them because they’re a woman, I judge them for judging me. How do I know they’re judging me?
It’s the sneer, when you walk into a hairdressers with greasy hair because a woman should be clean always, its the sneer you get for not having nail polish on, or wear flats to the pub. Or the visual address you get from boyfriends mother for sitting on your own sofa, while you boyfriend makes dinner. Like “Why aren’t you doing that?”.

I’m a feminist if I believe that a man should clear up his own mess.

I’m a feminist if I believe that a man should understand how to operate an iron and use it for his own clothes.

I’m a feminist if I believe that a woman shouldn’t be blamed for the mess a man made in their shared house.

I’m a feminist if I believe that a man is not better than a cleaning job if he has no job.

I’m a feminist if I don’t like cooking and let HIM cook.

Every time I say these things, that I’m not cleaning his mess, I’m not ironing his clothes, I shouldn’t be blamed for his mess or his un-ironed clothes, that his jobless mate should get a cleaning job because it’s better than no job denotes that I am an angry man hating feminist.It’s not. I love men, I just think that women aren’t a man’s slave. That a woman's time is as valuable as a mans, and if a woman does for a man, he should do for her in return, and no that doesn’t mean be the sole provider of a household.

Oooh he’s so good to me, he gives me his credit card for food shopping, allows me to stay at home, all I have to do in return is, clean the whole house, clean his car. Wash, dry, iron and put away his clothes and suck him off every other day.

Hun, modern SLAVERY act!

Every time I have swayed from this chorus, of becoming a stay at home mum for a man because he needs a maid, a prostitute, a cook, I have been chewed up and spit out, called lazy and fat and a scrubber because I want to sit down after I’ve cleaned my own mess. And not spent all day on my feet picking up after a grown man. And this is where the intimidation comes in.

The women of working class Britain are so stuck in the subservient attitudes of the fifties through to early nineties, that anything other than this is inherently wrong. You’re greedy if your man cooks for you, your lazy if you don’t do alllllll of the house work, your a scrubber if you let him walk out of the house un-ironed.

Bitch, fuck off, he knows where the iron is. I ain’t about to allow a bunch of zombie-fied women tell me what I should and shouldn’t do for the man I love, otherwise he ought to leave me and be with someone who’ll do it all for him. What I find totally berserk about these women, is they have nothing for themselves. If their husbands, boyfriends, children were too leave them, they would be nothing, would have nothing to do. So go ahead, make fun of the fact that my boyfriend is “forced” to tidy his own shit up, and I’ll enjoy my free time, with my hobbies while you can carry on being run ragged by your sexist internally misogynistic views.



Just Nat on A Rant

I like to rant about life :) I'm slightly aggressive and calmness is not a personality trait I possess, but stay a while and read my shit. I get paid for it :)